Individual Workshops

The programm can be, in respect of the number of the species to be photographed, number of the photo days, number of the participiants and the price, organised and agreed fully according to your own preferences. I can recommend three photo programms, whereas the animal species to be photographed are always to be chosen by yourself according to your preferences. The photographing can take place either in the nice nature locations of the region Pilsen-South or in the beautiful mountains Bohemian Forest. I can recommend to you nice and comfortable accommodation for these locations.

Half-day photographing
Number of the animal species: 4
Day time: According to your preference
Location: Pilsen-South or Bohemian Forest
Price: 550 EUR
Number of participants: 1-10
Full-day photographing
Number of the animal species: 7
Day time: Whole day
Location: Pilsen-South or Bohemian Forest
Price: 880 EUR
Number of participants: 1-10
Two-days photographing
Number of the animal species: 13
Day time: Whole day
Location: Pilsen-South or Bohemian Forest
Price: 1 650 EUR
Number of participants: 1-10

Organisational principles

My main care is to create for the photographers the opportunity to make interesting photos. Therefore I carefully prepare the motivs and compositions, that will be photographed, prior to the workshop. I pay attention, so far possible, that the motivs and compositions differs in every workshop or photoshooting, and that way, the photographers don’t make the same photos at the same locations. Together with the falconer, we preferably fullfil, if possible in respect of the bird ability and actual dispostion, the photographic ideas of every participant. I pay attention to the feathers quality of the photographed birds of prey and owls, resp. to the physical appearance of the other photographed animals. I offer the workshops to realistic prices, that reasonably refer to the added value of this kind of photographic workshops.

In the list below are stated the birds of prey, owls and other animals, that I offer for photographing at the present. The list is regulary up-dated according to the availability of these species for photographing. All species used for photographing are CITES certified and trained for photographing. They are managed by certified falconers. All birds of prey and owls are photographed without anklets. If this is not the case, it’s stated in the list.

  1. Great Grey Owl
  2. Tawny Owl
  3. Long-Eared Owl
  4. Common Barn Owl
  5. Eurasian Eagle-Owl
  6. Great Horned Owl
  7. Siberian Eagle-Owl
  8. Spotted Eagle-Owl
  9. Kestrel Falcon
  10. Peregrine Falcon
  11. Harris Hawk
  12. Bald Eagle *
  13. Steppe Eagle
  14. Golden Eagle
  15. White Stork
  16. Black Kite
  17. European Fox
  18. Hedgedog
  19. Stone Marten
    * with anklets

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Bartkauz / Ural Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Rotmilan / Red Kite
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Sakerfalke / Saker Falcon
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Rauhfusskauz / Boreal Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Schleiereule / Barn Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Uhu / Eurasian Eagle Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Schneeeule / Snowy Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Habicht / Goshawk
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Schleiereule / Barn Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Rauhfusskauz / Boreal Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Schleiereule / Barn Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Schneeeule / Snowy Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic