About me/Contact

Jan Broz, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Since many years hunter and hunter manager, since 2009 just only  passionate nature photographer and falconer.  I publish irregulary my photos and texts in czech and foreign nature magazines and books.  You can find more informations about my photography, trips and photographic experiences on my Facebook or Instagram page. I speak fluently english and german, the workshops and individual photoshootings can be processed in both languages according to your preferences.

Dipl.-Kfm. Jan Broz
Email: jan.broz@me.com
Mobil: +420 724 602 785
Czech Republic


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Bartkauz / Ural Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Rotmilan / Red Kite
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Sakerfalke / Saker Falcon
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Rauhfusskauz / Boreal Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Schleiereule / Barn Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Uhu / Eurasian Eagle Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Schneeeule / Snowy Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Habicht / Goshawk
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Schleiereule / Barn Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Rauhfusskauz / Boreal Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Schleiereule / Barn Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
Schneeeule / Snowy Owl
Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic